your story
in Spanish
Write your story
in Spanish

Learn Spanish in two of the most beautiful cities in northern Spain with El Aula Azul.
Choose your destination.

Turn the city into your classroom and have an adventure with El Aula Azul. Much more than just your Spanish school.

Two safe destinations with Spanish classes and activities for the whole family. Make lifelong memories.

Discover with our teachers the gastronomy, culture and traditions while practicing everything you have learned in class.

Learn Spanish in two of the most beautiful cities in northern Spain with El Aula Azul.
Choose your destination.

Turn the city into your classroom and have an adventure with El Aula Azul. Much more than just your Spanish school.

Two safe destinations with Spanish classes and activities for the whole family. Make lifelong memories.

Discover with our teachers the gastronomy, culture and traditions while practicing everything you have learned in class.